The agreement will be very difficult since the partners have diametrically opposite temperaments. Taurus is authoritarian and possessive, while Sagittarius is independent and selfish; the first heavy and reluctant, the second lively and passionate. The differences are too big, too radical for the natives to get closer.Taurus will seek to lock Sagittarius into the small world of his own taste. He will force him - or at least he will try to force him - to lead with him a dull, monotonous, unplanned life, with a dinner in town every month and television every night. It will not come to him that this kind of life is not suitable for his partner. Sagittarius, independent, whimsical and passionate, will hardly follow this all-out path, even if he is very much in love with Taurus. With a certain combination of circumstances, he might decide to live elsewhere a less prosaic life. But in most cases he will not dare to leave, because he is afraid of the terrible vengeance of Taurus. Anyway, Sagittarius will suffer the most.
For the Taurus woman, sexuality and feelings go hand in hand. It is when she is deeply in love or emotion that she is also the most receptive sexually. However, if his body is not disturbed or upset from top to bottom, his heart is likely to remain marble. She has a vigorous and demanding sexuality. To fill her, her partner must know how to master the whole range of sensuality - from the most subtle caress to the most direct act. The erotic temperament of the Taurus woman is powerful and enduring. That makes her one of the most talented lovers. If his partner is up to it, he can with it be among the privileged who have access to the highest peaks of pleasure. The Bull woman does not suffer strictly speaking of sexual inhibitions. However, here as elsewhere in her life, she is rather traditionalist. For her, there are things that are not done in bed: these are generally the practices that are generally called "sexual perversions".
The Taurus man is essentially a being of flesh: he is sensual to the tips of his nails, both figuratively and literally. For him, sexual pleasure is something perfectly natural. Unless he has been conditioned by a particularly perverse education, he suffers neither inhibitions nor taboos. In sexuality, everything seems good to him, and he intends not to lose a single crumb. He despises the "saboteurs" who do not go out of their way to offer a woman all the pleasure she expects. He plays her like a harp - with fervor, efficiency, gratitude - convinced that the more he gives pleasure, the more he has. But the Taurus man may seem too modest to some of his partners. Indeed, he fears confessions and is miser compliments. Romantic flourishes are not his forte. In his sexual encounters, he prefers to go straight to the point, as if he was afraid of missing him. And yet, he never hurries: he takes his time to make all the fibers of his body flutter one after the other. Of all men, he is the most fervent adept of love in slow motion and loves to play extra time.
The Sagittarius woman lives her sexuality most naturally and happily in the world. She knows no taboos or inhibitions, although her background may bear traces of a socio-cultural environment unfavorable to her sexual development. She has a strong vitality and a demanding sexuality. She is one of the most healthy women in the world of sexuality - not that she has no fantasies or sometimes wacky desires, but that she is devoid of any sense of guilt and lives in her own way. desires without complicating life. However, because of her spontaneity and ease, the Sagittarius woman could scare off some traditionalist men who cling to their so-called male privileges and believe that a woman should never take sexual initiatives. These men willingly tax her as "phallic woman" or "praying mantis", which is completely wrong and unfair. Nevertheless, it is true that the Sagittarius woman can not be satisfied with a tepid, bland, or routine sexuality. He must live on volcanoes, leave to leave feathers!
The Sagittarius man is a fiery, fiery and indefatigable conqueror. His eroticism is volcanic. Yet there is no trace of sadism in his behavior. He can even be very tender towards his partners who know how to respond to his enormous appetite. Very expansive, suffering no inhibition, the Sagittarius man is proud of his body and his sex. He makes love with spontaneity, brio - and, some would say, with animality! He satisfies his wishes as much homage to those who knew how to arouse them. He is a fan of the direct assault and the essentials. The Sagittarius man does not usually waste time in long preliminaries or palaver. And he quickly abandons himself in the arms of Morpheus as soon as the final bouquet of the fireworks has taken place. If he does not speak practically during his antics, the Sagittarius man does not remain silent so far. He is distinguished by his many cries, squeaks, moans, grunts and screams. Whoever is in his arms would feel like surrounded by all the animals of the jungle!