The love between these two beings is always more than foolish. Aries is so sure of himself, of his own worth and abilities, that he tends to look at Scorpio with a disdainful or condescending eye. For its part, Scorpio can accept everything except humiliation or pity, especially since it is aware of its weaknesses and its disadvantages. They must therefore, to understand each other, work every day to mutual understanding and tolerance.
The Aries woman is generally sexually fulfilled. It is easily externalized into physical love. This externalization very often gives her incomparable well-being, both physical and mental, and that is why she actively seeks it, without complex or false modesty. She expresses her sexuality in a way that is both simple and volcanic. Simple, because it does not need complicated situations, frills more or less elaborate to achieve pleasure. Volcanic, because it has a very strong temperament, without being restrained by unconscious inhibitions or concrete considerations. Aries woman's libido is easily aroused: her appetite is always present, and her eroticism swells quickly until the final explosion. When she wants, she tries to take action without waiting. His sexual ways are direct, unambiguous, perhaps a little prehistoric, but eminently haunting, and are a real treat for those who appreciate them.
The Aries man has a very strong sexual impulse. When he desires, he does not know and does not want to wait. Moreover, he must feel exhausted at the end of the action to be fully happy. And still he slightly exceeds his limits. However, passionate lover he is, he may encounter power problems. His "breakdowns" are quite common because he is a nervous person who does not know how to take care of himself. Sometimes it's madness for a week, then flat calm for a month. Aries man's sexual performance is often too brief for his partners. He is a little too likely to go on the assault and behave like a hussar. All women do not like this style, eminently manly though! But if he sometimes lacks delicacy and sensitivity, however he surrenders unreservedly to the passion of passion and feelings. He knows how to give himself totally, and this is a treat for those who know how to appreciate it.
The Scorpion woman has one of the most powerful temperaments ever. But that does not mean that she likes to be satisfied with superficial relationships with anyone. Her absolute need is that, when she desires, she engages without restriction. Thus, while having strong impulses, she chooses her partners according to some very strict criteria, and the meetings of passage interest her little. There are some masochistic tendencies in her, of which she is most often only vaguely conscious. Often she can only reach the ultimate sensual pleasure if her partner physically hurts her one way or another - but within limits, of course. The Scorpio woman thinks she is more ungrateful and less desirable than she actually is. This is why in compensation, in her fantasies, she is often victim of rape. The explanation is obvious: if a man takes insane risks by forcing it, it is the proof that it is worth the "blow", that it is irresistible.
There is still in the Scorpion man an old background of machismo. It rarely fails to resurface in sexual encounters. But it is a kind machismo, closer to goodness and condescension than to malice and brutality. Anyway, it is appreciated by women who feel very female. Another trait of Scorpio's sexual behavior is the taste for risk. Danger acts as a powerful stimulant for his libido. Thus, it is not uncommon for him to make love in public toilets, in a telephone booth, or on a barely deserted beach, thus risking being discovered and punished. Needless to say, he totally ignores taboos. This love of risk causes the Scorpio man to diligently maintain the fantasy of rape. Although he can behave perfectly correctly in his real life, he is transformed, in his imaginary life, into a serial rapist several times sentenced to life imprisonment! Of course, this fantasy has some repercussions on her sexual behavior. However, these repercussions are not dangerous but, on the contrary, very exciting for its partners.