However, they can be happy together if they are driven by a great passion and tolerance. Once the success achieved, their happiness will effectively withstand the test of time. This is the miracle of love. Gemini will have trouble supporting Scorpion. He will find it too expensive and fickle. He will be worried about his own tendencies by stating his natural inclinations to greed and jealousy. Scorpio, for its part, will be indignant at the incomprehensible and unjustifiable attitude of Gemini, because he will be sincerely convinced that he behaves in a perfectly reasonable way. In truth, it is the Gemini who will be the main responsible for the difficulties of this couple. He will have to try to control his irrational reactions and try to understand his partner.
The eroticism of the Gemini woman is linked to dialogue and communication. He passes above all by his intellect and the spirit of the game, not by the thrills of his flesh. It seems that the Gemini woman is an eternal teenager, more curious about the sex of the enjoyment of pleasure. Some preparation, some awakening work are needed before each fireworks. The Gemini woman has a rather weak sexuality: sex for sex and sensual drunkenness in herself would not be very attractive to her if they did not fit into the context of intellectual satisfaction. His critical sense still awake could even lead him to find the follies of the body somewhat ridiculous and suspicious, hence its relative reluctance and sometimes timidity. However, if intelligence, speech and the use of fantasies are at stake, his sexuality will be deeply stimulated. And then she will be able as much as any other woman to experience himalayas of pleasure.
One could say that the sex of the Gemini man is in his head. Indeed, he tends to bring everything back to play, and sexual pleasure only makes sense to him if he can have fun. He is aerial, intellectual. In his sexual encounters, what matters most to him are the subtle preliminaries, playful frolics, postlude like a picnic! He does not disdain gadgets and other instruments of pleasure that abound sex shops. He wants to try everything, but is quick to give up what does not bring him more. This is also true of sexual techniques and particularly coital positions. As he is endowed with an overflowing imagination, he is never short of variations and innovations in erotic matters. As you can guess, the Gemini man is never in a hurry to get down to business. He likes to stroll, wander, enjoying seeing himself and seeing his partner evolve. Sometimes, he stops in the heart of the action to chat, to exchange ideas and cuddly recipes, before continuing the antics where he had suspended them!
The Scorpion woman has one of the most powerful temperaments ever. But that does not mean that she likes to be satisfied with superficial relationships with anyone. Her absolute need is that, when she desires, she engages without restriction. Thus, while having strong impulses, she chooses her partners according to some very strict criteria, and the meetings of passage interest her little. There are some masochistic tendencies in her, of which she is most often only vaguely conscious. Often she can only reach the ultimate sensual pleasure if her partner physically hurts her one way or another - but within limits, of course. The Scorpio woman thinks she is more ungrateful and less desirable than she actually is. This is why in compensation, in her fantasies, she is often victim of rape. The explanation is obvious: if a man takes insane risks by forcing it, it is the proof that it is worth the "blow", that it is irresistible.
There is still in the Scorpion man an old background of machismo. It rarely fails to resurface in sexual encounters. But it is a kind machismo, closer to goodness and condescension than to malice and brutality. Anyway, it is appreciated by women who feel very female. Another trait of Scorpio's sexual behavior is the taste for risk. Danger acts as a powerful stimulant for his libido. Thus, it is not uncommon for him to make love in public toilets, in a telephone booth, or on a barely deserted beach, thus risking being discovered and punished. Needless to say, he totally ignores taboos. This love of risk causes the Scorpio man to diligently maintain the fantasy of rape. Although he can behave perfectly correctly in his real life, he is transformed, in his imaginary life, into a serial rapist several times sentenced to life imprisonment! Of course, this fantasy has some repercussions on her sexual behavior. However, these repercussions are not dangerous but, on the contrary, very exciting for its partners.