Throughout their life together, they will need to be very tactful, understanding, tolerant and lenient to counterbalance their mutual annoyance. Here more than elsewhere, "it takes more spirit to make love than to lead armies" (Ninon de Lenclos). The Virgin and Scorpio will have the greatest harm in the world to achieve harmony. Each has a character diametrically opposed to that of the other. The refinement of the Virgin, her taste for tranquility and her preference for indoor activities will be in direct conflict with the superficiality, the inexhaustible chatter and the hectic life of Scorpio. Lovers will be wary of daily quarrels that will be as futile as a quarrel over whether they should stay home tonight to watch a good western on TV or go to the theater. Unless they learn to make mutual concessions, they will ruin their life together by constantly trying to prove that the other is wrong. Each will try to impose on the other his own tastes and preferences by indulging in sulking and even emotional blackmail.
The Scorpion woman has one of the most powerful temperaments ever. But that does not mean that she likes to be satisfied with superficial relationships with anyone. Her absolute need is that, when she desires, she engages without restriction. Thus, while having strong impulses, she chooses her partners according to some very strict criteria, and the meetings of passage interest her little. There are some masochistic tendencies in her, of which she is most often only vaguely conscious. Often she can only reach the ultimate sensual pleasure if her partner physically hurts her one way or another - but within limits, of course. The Scorpio woman thinks she is more ungrateful and less desirable than she actually is. This is why in compensation, in her fantasies, she is often victim of rape. The explanation is obvious: if a man takes insane risks by forcing it, it is the proof that it is worth the "blow", that it is irresistible.
There is still in the Scorpion man an old background of machismo. It rarely fails to resurface in sexual encounters. But it is a kind machismo, closer to goodness and condescension than to malice and brutality. Anyway, it is appreciated by women who feel very female. Another trait of Scorpio's sexual behavior is the taste for risk. Danger acts as a powerful stimulant for his libido. Thus, it is not uncommon for him to make love in public toilets, in a telephone booth, or on a barely deserted beach, thus risking being discovered and punished. Needless to say, he totally ignores taboos. This love of risk causes the Scorpio man to diligently maintain the fantasy of rape. Although he can behave perfectly correctly in his real life, he is transformed, in his imaginary life, into a serial rapist several times sentenced to life imprisonment! Of course, this fantasy has some repercussions on her sexual behavior. However, these repercussions are not dangerous but, on the contrary, very exciting for its partners.
The Virgo woman, without being suspicious of her sexual urges, tends to observe and analyze them. She is more inclined to want to understand what is happening in her than to indulge in her sensations, and that can cool down or restrain her impulses. She is endowed with a strong underground sexuality. Taken between her powerful needs and her desire to stay in control, she tends to be suspicious of others and also of herself. But as long as she meets a partner who knows how to secure her and establish complete complicity, she will forget her fears and will then let her strong impulses express herself freely. The Virgo woman instinctively looks for the aesthetic side of things. Nothing displeases her more than vulgarity or obscenity. If she has had a wrong sexual education or inappropriate sexual experiences, she could be led to consider sexuality as something outrageous or outrageous, and thus show more or less marked tendencies to frigidity.
The sexuality of the Virgo man is almost entirely at the orders of his spirit. One could say that he has a cerebral sexuality, because he wants to understand everything, control everything, being afraid to lose himself by letting himself go to his impulses. Yet, these are strong enough and could, when they are unbridled, damn the most virtuous woman in the world. The Virgo man does not like to talk much about sex, and the expression of his sexuality is always marked by a certain reserve. His modesty, his love of discretion, certainly do not favor an open and easy communication, to which he refuses, moreover, of all his fibers. It will take a lot of tricks to discover the fire under the ice. But the business is worth it. The Virgo man is rather conventional and prosaic in his sexual urges. Innovations and games are of little interest to him. As he is always so busy observing and analyzing his emotions and reactions, the manifestations of his eroticism can sometimes be reduced to a simple physical exercise!